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Items shipped via to the Etsy warehouse can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment. Some products have policies or requirements attached to them.

Etsy Global Marketing Policy
Items can be returned within 30 days from shipment via an online call center. It can take 25 days for us to return anything. We need 2 business days to return and 3 business days to review my account.

You must return the item to your account for your refund. Etsy will refund fees up to $ 20 as soon as the item is found. If your shipping costs more than $ 20, you can reach our customer service provider for a refund. If you return a damaged, damaged or defective item, you will be given a full card with an immigration deposit upon your return.

Return to Trade Policy
When you take an order from a seller who makes and ships your goods (also known as a third-party seller), your return will be sent to the seller and not to Although most retailers offer refund marks for similar rates on, some policies differ. You can check the seller's return policy and buy a monetary policy before purchasing the product by visiting the seller profile page. Once you have ordered an order to review your reseller policy, you can select your order from the online return center.

Retailers must provide a return address to the United States, send a return check in advance or provide a full refund without the need for a refund. If the seller does not provide these methods for returning goods, you can contact A-to-Z Warranty to return them.

If you ship your products to the United States and your order is $ 100 or more, make sure you ship the shipping cost and send us a signed shipping service. Expenditure of more than $ 35 must be returned to the seller for the sale. We offer USPS standard shipping products for products under $ 35. If the package does not arrive and you do not attempt to return or refuse to return as a refund, we cannot cover you under the A-to-Z War.

Note: If the seller list conforms to Etsy Pro, you will follow the refund amount used by on this page.

services offered
The third set of services provides services to the service provider or returns (exchange, deposit, acquisition, etc.). The seller's sales process must be executed by the seller.
During the planned return, the seller will pull or remove the seller and retrieve the item.
All vendors participating in the service delivery program will be required to provide fixed returns or exchange rates.
If the seller does not provide these methods or is not responsible for the assignment to return their goods, you can contact the Etsy Home Services team or apply for an A-Z permit.
In the event that service has not been lost or damaged by customer service due to improper use, the customer will be returned for legal purposes.
For more information about reinstalling Etsy equipment and accessories, see the Etsy demo question, including instructions for returning.
My automotive products
If you bought non-durable products, you sold and sold, which is covered by the published production requests, respects Etsy. Etsy may replace the item or refund the item for the life of the invoice received.
Etsy Resale
The products on Etsy Reselling are sponsored by Etsy Reselling Sales, specifically as described on the Product Details page. With this warranty, you can receive a replacement or refund within 90 days of receiving the product if it does not perform as expected.
Etsy can be returned within 90 days of sending the shipment and may be eligible for free shipping. If your return is not due to an error or loss of Etsy, Etsy will not reimburse the original shipping costs.
Etsy sells goods for sale on a wholesale basis according to the Etsy 30-day standard.
Almighty God
Generally, items purchased and used or opened on Etsy Warehouse can be returned to within 30 days of shipment. Some products have different policies or requirements related to them.
Refurbished items sold on Etsy Warehouse can be returned within 90 days of receipt of the shipment.
Baby items
It is returned within 90 days of delivery of the baby.
Gifts purchased through the baby registry can be returned within 365 days of receiving the shipment.
Pregnant pumps must be reused in their original condition with the start of the wire and packaging.
If your return is not the result of an Etsy error, we will not refund your original shipping costs.
Clothes and accessories
You can return your clothing and accessories within 30 days of the delivery date.
Drop Collections items are refundable, but return shipping costs will be deducted from your return as needed.
Collectibles (Sports and Entertainment)
You will need to return to the available bag for $ 35 or more using the circumcised method. A sum of more than $ 500 must also be guaranteed.
All shipping packages (boxes, manuals, vouchers, etc.) and certificates of authenticity, processing, and evaluation must be returned with the item.
Anything returned without the original documentation will be rejected.
Before downloading, download the recording.
To request information, please contact the third-party seller within 14 days of receipt. Your return must be issued within 30 days of receipt.
Items valued at $ 35 or more must be returned as available shipping.
Before downloading, download the recording.
Parts and parts created by the government of origin, as well as supporting documents, must be returned in their original packaging.
Returns will be returned without the original package or documents.
Parts damaged or damaged after shipment are not accepted.
Computers and electronics
New laptops, laptops or tablets purchased on that do not start upon arrival, are in danger or are still in a locked box and can be returned for full payment within 30 days of purchase. can try the computer it returns because customers misunderstand the product upon arrival and pay a fee equivalent to 15% of the customer's price.
Any computer, computer, tablet or tablet damaged by the customer's use cannot be found or is in a state of unpredictability due to the disturbance of the consumer, due to many high-end consumer products. cost of restitution.
New and improved products sold by the seller on the market are subject to the policy of each seller.
Digital products
Unless otherwise noted, games, software downloads, and purchases on the Etsy Appstore do not return after the sale of Etsy digital music or the purchase of Etsy video.
Purchases of purchased books can be returned within seven days. After
The book you received as a gift is eligible for an gift card before accepting it.
Subscriptions to the Newsstand section of the store (magazines, newsletters, and blogs) can be canceled at any time by accessing your content management and your equipment. For more information, consult magazines and newspapers
Apps and in-app items purchased on Etsy Appstore may be eligible for a refund within 90 days of purchase, depending on the context of your order. To request a refund, check your order and select "Refund" in the column. If you don't see the "Refund" button, you are not entitled to a refund.
Digital educational resources can be returned within seven days of purchasing non-downloaded resources.
Fine Article
Artwork valued at $ 35 or more must be returned using a shipping method that can be tracked. Items valued at more than $ 500 must also be insured.
All product packaging (boxes, etc.) and validation and evaluation certificates must be returned with the product.
Any item of art returned without original documentation will be rejected.
Art objects damaged or updated after delivery will not be accepted for return.
Before returning the detailed art, take photos for your notes.
Gift cards
Gift cards are not refundable after purchase (unless required by law).
For more information on gift limits, see Gift Card Terms and Conditions
Handmade and custom
Return to handmade and handmade products with different customization options, including settings, sculptures or designs (such as sculpture, stamping, monograms, embroidery, embroidery, sculpture or sculpture) are:
Notify third party suppliers within 14 days of receipt.
Due to the personal configuration, specifications or design of these products, third party suppliers are not required to accept returns or exchanges unless the product is damaged or defective on arrival.
If there is an error or mistake in the configuration, specifications or design due to an error from a third party supplier, you are protected by Etsy warranty from A to Z.
Packaging of all products (for example, boxes) and if applicable; certificates of authenticity, classification and evaluation must be returned with the product. The missing product on all their labels is unacceptable in return.
Hazardous Material
Hazardous materials, including explosives or gas, could not return to Etsy.
Contact the manufacturer directly for service, warranty, return, and refund information.
Jewelry and watches
Jewelry and watches valued at $ 35 or more must be returned using a portable shipping method.
All product packaging (boxes, brochures, warranty cards, etc.) and validity, rating and evaluation certificates must be returned with the product.
Any item returned without original documentation will be rejected.
Items that have been resized, damaged or replaced after delivery will not be accepted for return.
Live plants or insects
Fresh flowers, live trees, or insects are unlikely to return to Etsy but may return.
Pet food
Pet food and similar products are not refundable to Etsy but may be returned.
Retail items (including Etsy Fresh and Pro Pantry) cannot be returned to Etsy but can be refunded.
Prepaid phone or card game
Phone charges (or prepaid) or prepaid game cards (World of Warcraft, Xbox 360 Live, Wii Points, etc.) cannot be returned to Etsy.
Software and video games
Software and video games can be returned for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. Any software, video game or missing part returned will be charged at 100%.
Returns for TVs delivered without improved delivery must be in new condition and not turned on.
In order to return the TV that came with the promotion, the item must be in its original condition. When suppliers come to television, they bring their own packaging materials. For more information on promotions, see About Free Shipping. About free shipping
The park is non-refundable after purchase.
Unconditional satisfaction guarantee
If you are not satisfied with these brands at any time, we will be happy to give you a full refund:
Main 10
Moon and back
Maximum speed
Marriage Registration Articles
Items purchased as a gift from your Etsy wedding registry can be returned within 180 days of delivery.
Items purchased by the registrant are subject to's 30-day policy.
Wickedly, Etsy Element, Happy Belly, Mama Bear and Presto!
We are proud of our products. If you do not like them, we will be happy to give you a full refund up to 365 days after we receive the item.

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